Art Quote

Saturday, May 24, 2008


So, I have this friend:
We'll call her Justinne. Just for the sake of my story. (She hates this picture, but I like it so it's going on here)

I also have this hat:

(Go Bears!)

So last night was the official end of my very first contest (I know, so sad) and so I put all the entries into this lovely Bears hat. And that I had my lovely friend Justinne pick one out.

And then the winner of my contest was determined!

And the winner is....


Congrats, Megan!

And thank you all for your participation! Keep your eyes peeled for any contests I might have in the future!



dd said...

Congrats Megan!!!!!
And congrats to you too, Chelsie- for your first contest! =D

Lucy D =)

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Obsessive Blogger. Obsessive Reader.