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Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Song of the Sparrow by Lisa Ann Sandell
Reviewed by Chelsie at 8:39 PM 6 comments
Monday, April 14, 2008
Remember Me? by Sophie Kinsella
This book is about a woman who suffers amnesia after a car accident. Lexi can't remember anything from the last three years, and a lot has changed since her last memories. She's now moved up in her company, so she's the boss of the people she used to work with. And she's now married, to the handsome and amazing Eric. Things could not be better for her. But what happens when she finds out that her so-called perfect life isn't as perfect as it appears to be?
I read this book right after Memoirs of a Teenage Amnesiac to keep with the amnesia/memory loss theme (it was a coincidence that I had them both at the same time). Despite the similar theme, I would not be able to compare the two books. While Memoirs of a Teenage Amnesiac was a memorable book, it was more serious and thought-provoking, while Remember Me? was a lighter, more fun read. Sophie Kinsella's latest novel is full of wit, sarcasm, and hilarious laugh out loud moments that kept me interested to the end. While not recommended for heavy, serious reading, Remember Me? is perfect if you're looking to sit down with a good book and just have a good time. Lexi is a genuine character, and you'll find yourself rooting for her throughout her entire journey.
Reviewed by Chelsie at 7:04 PM 4 comments
Memoirs of a Teenage Amnesiac by Gabrielle Zevin
Reviewed by Chelsie at 6:37 PM 5 comments
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Reincarnation by Suzanne Weyn

Reviewed by Chelsie at 6:14 PM 6 comments
Monday, April 7, 2008
Kinsmen of the Shelf is having a contest for a signed copy of Magic Study =D Go check it out, because it's definitely worth it.
Te amo,
Reviewed by Chelsie at 8:39 PM 1 comments
Saturday, April 5, 2008
hmm I've been tagged...
So, I got tagged by The Book Brat. Sounds fun.
The Rules:
1) You link back to the person who tagged you.
2) Post these rules on your blog.
3) Share six unimportant things about yourself.
4) Tag six random people at the end of your entry.
5) Let the tagged people know by leaving a comment on their blogs.
2. I am a HUGE fan of NSYNC. I love their songs. (I'm not the type of person who judges music by who sings it... or by how popular it is/isn't.)
3. My favorite drink is Dr Pepper. This started over this past summer (2007) when JoLynn- the librarian- would buy Dr Pepper. I got some with her a couple times, and it kind of stuck with me since then. Prior to my Dr Pepper stage, I'd been an obsessive A&W drinker. Now, the thought of drinking A&W makes me almost want to gag.
4. I memorized my library card number. 242260005785**.
5. I used to be an obsessive survey-taker and random blogger on MySpace. Now, I don't take nearly as many surveys as I used to, and I post less than a blog a day on my MySpace, so I'm making major progress. All of my time nowadays is spent book blogging, book reading, or book chatting.
6. I wouldn't feel right if I didn't include Sam in here somewhere. Sam is my first love, and we first talked almost a year ago, on April 13th. He causes way more trouble than he's worth. Me and my almost kind of maybe future stepsister fought over him so much. But now he's going out with her. Surprise surprise. So, moral of the story: never fall in love with your almost kind of maybe future stepsister's boyfriend. It doesn't work.
Hmm. Now, I have no idea who else I could tag...
1. This is a tag to anyone who wants to do this. (I'm copying people, haha) Leave a comment here so that I'll know if anyone decides to take me up on this offer, and so that I can read other people's answers.
2. Stephanie Kuehnert (her MySpace blog)
3. Kelsey (on LJ)
I swear, those are the only two people I can think of...
Anyways, maybe they'll do it, or maybe they won't. *shrug*
Te amo,
Reviewed by Chelsie at 10:02 PM 5 comments
Thursday, April 3, 2008
Story of a Girl by Sara Zarr
Deanna is caught having sex with Tommy when she is thirteen. It's her dad that catches her, and after that things change. Tommy tells the whole school, and so she's always known just for being slutty, even though Tommy was the first and only guy she'd ever done anything with. Her dad has never been able to look at her the same after what happened, and so her entire life is changed.
Now, a couple years later, Deanna wants things to change. She makes plans in her mind that include moving out with her older brother and his family, and she tries to remain secretive about her feelings for her best friend. In the meantime, Tommy and Deanna are working at the same pizza place.
This book was so powerful and amazing, I can definitely understand how it became so popular. It's amazing how deep it was, and how I could see into Deanna's emotions and understand exactly how she was feeling. I felt like the writing was amazing and all of the characters were realistic, including the minor characters. The story was beautifully written and while it was short, it still touched me in a new way. There really is no book like Story of a Girl.
Reviewed by Chelsie at 6:35 PM 5 comments